Alzheimer’s Disease GWAS Summary Data (Bellenguez): The SNP-level association testing summary statistics for Alzheimer’s disease from Bellenguez et al 2022 Nature Genetics. This study uses UK Biobank (UKBB) proxy AD samples.
Alzheimer’s Disease GWAS Summary Data (Jansen): The SNP-level association testing summary statistics for Alzheimer’s disease from Jansen et al 2021 Nature Genetics. This study uses proxy AD individuals from UK Biobank.
Alzheimer’s Disease GWAS Summary Data (Kunkle): The SNP-level association testing summary statistics for Alzheimer’s disease from Kunkle et al 2019 Nature Genetics. Position values were converted from hg19 to hg38 using liftOver.
Alzheimer’s Disease GWAS Summary Data (Wightman): The SNP-level association testing summary statistics for Alzheimer’s disease from Wightman et al 2021 Nature Genetics. This file contains the meta-analyzed summary statistics of three cohorts: all individuals, all individuals excluding 23andMe, all individuals excluding 23andMe and UKBB.