Alzheimer’s Disease GWAS Summary Data (Wightman) #
The SNP-level association testing summary statistics for Alzheimer’s disease from Wightman et al 2021 Nature Genetics. This file contains the meta-analyzed summary statistics of three cohorts: all individuals, all individuals excluding 23andMe, all individuals excluding 23andMe and UKBB.
Contact #
Oluwatosin Olayinka
Path(s) to summary statistics #
- meta results
- only 23andMe
- CU
- original data (in GRCh37)
- all individuals:
- all individuals excluding 23andMe:
- all individuals excluding 23andMe and UKBB:
- only 23andMe individuals
(decompressed intoall_snp_info.txt
- after formatting:
- liftover data (in hg38)
- all individuals:
- all individuals excluding 23andMe:
- all individuals excluding 23andMe and UKBB:
- only 23andMe individuals:
Path to SuSiE RSS Fine-mapping Objects #
- Li-San Wang FTP:
Download source #
Download source not publicly available
File Schema #
: chromosome IDposition
: hg38 position (converted from hg19 with liftOver)variant
: variant ID in the formchr${chromosome}_${position}_${ref}_${alt}
: alternative effect alleleref
: reference allelez
- z-score of the SNP effect sizepvalue
: p-value ofbeta
Links to GWAS data analysis notebooks #
- Summary statistics preprocessing:
Cohorts included in this study #
- 1,126,563 individuals = 90,338 (46,613 proxy) cases + 1,036,225 (318,246 proxy) controls
- 77,779 cases + 554,893 controls from Jansen et al.
- 12,559 cases + 481,332 controls not from Jansen et al: Finngen, GRACE, HUNT, BioVU, 23andme, Gothenburg H70 Birth Cohort Studies and Clinical AD from Sweden (Gothenburg), ANMerge.
- Population: US & Europe, UK, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Finland, Spain, Norway, US, EUR
Supplementary Table 1: A list of the datasets included in the meta-analysis. The UKB data was generated with a continous phenotype so the case-control values are estimates where the number of individuals with phenotype values <1 are controls and >=1 are cases.
Dataset Population Cases Controls Imputation panel Included in Jansen et al. (2019) | | | | IGAP* US & Europe 21982 41944 1000G phase 1 UKB (Proxy) UK 46613 318246 HRC, 1000G, UK10k DemGene Norway 1638 6059 HRC TwinGene Sweden 224 6321 HRC STSA Sweden 320 750 HRC deCODE (partially included) Iceland 7002 181573 deCODE Total - 77779 554893 - Not included in Jansen et al. (2019) Finngen* Finland 1798 72206 SISu v3 GR@CE Spain 4120 3289 HRC HUNT Norway 1156 7157 HRC+HUNT BioVU US 600 36059 HRC 23andMe US 3807 359839 1000 Genomes Phase 3, UK10K, HRC Gothenburg H70 Birth Cohort Studies and Clinical AD from Sweden (Gothenburg) Sweden 712 2523 HRC ANMerge EUR 366 259 HRC Total - 12559 481332 - Grand total - 90,338 1,036,225 *=publically available