Covariate Data Formatting#
Our covariate preprocessing steps merge genotypic principal components and fixed covariate files into one file for downstream QTL analysis.
PCA file as output from the PCA module
Fixed covariate files
PCA + Covariate file
Minimal Working Example Steps#
The data and singularity used in this minimal working example can be found on Synapse.
i. Merge Covariates and Genotype PCs#
Timing: <1 min
You can edit the total amount of variation you want your PCs to explain by editing the --k
parameter. In this example, we chose 80%.
sos run pipeline/covariate_formatting.ipynb merge_genotype_pc \
--cwd output/covariate \
--pcaFile output/genotype_pca/protocol_example.genotype.chr21_22.pQTL.plink_qc.prune.pca.rds \
--covFile input/protocol_example.samples.tsv \
--tol_cov 0.4 \
--k `awk '$3 < 0.8' output/genotype_pca/protocol_example.genotype.chr21_22.pQTL.plink_qc.prune.pca.scree.txt | tail -1 | cut -f 1 ` \
--container containers/bioinfo.sif
INFO: Running merge_genotype_pc:
INFO: merge_genotype_pc is completed.
INFO: merge_genotype_pc output: /Users/alexmccreight/xqtl-protocol/output/covariate/protocol_example.samples.protocol_example.genotype.chr21_22.pQTL.plink_qc.prune.pca.gz
INFO: Workflow merge_genotype_pc (ID=weaef0ce301340b3d) is executed successfully with 1 completed step.
Step |
Substep |
Problem |
Possible Reason |
Solution |
Command Interface#
!sos run covariate_formatting.ipynb -h
usage: sos run covariate_formatting.ipynb
[workflow_name | -t targets] [options] [workflow_options]
workflow_name: Single or combined workflows defined in this script
targets: One or more targets to generate
options: Single-hyphen sos parameters (see "sos run -h" for details)
workflow_options: Double-hyphen workflow-specific parameters
Global Workflow Options:
--cwd output (as path)
The output directory for generated files.
--covFile VAL (as path, required)
The covariate file
--job-size 1 (as int)
For cluster jobs, number commands to run per job
--walltime 5h
Wall clock time expected
--mem 2G
Memory expected
--numThreads 8 (as int)
Number of threads
--container ''
Software container option
--entrypoint ('micromamba run -a "" -n' + ' ' + re.sub(r'(_apptainer:latest|_docker:latest|\.sif)$', '', container.split('/')[-1])) if container else ""
Workflow Options:
--pcaFile VAL (as path, required)
An RDS file as the output of the genotype PCA module
--k 20 (as int)
The number of PCs to retain, by default is 20, in
practice can be the number of PC that captured more than
70% PVE
--name f'{covFile:bn}.{pcaFile:bn}'
--outliersFile . (as path)
--[no-]remove-outliers (default to False)
--tol-cov -1.0 (as float)
Tolerance of missingness in covariates, -1 means do
nothing, otherwise for samples with covariates missing
rate larger than tol_cov will be removed, with missing
rate smaller than tol_cov will be kept.
--[no-]mean-impute (default to True)
Setup and global parameters#
# The output directory for generated files.
parameter: cwd = path("output")
# The covariate file
parameter: covFile = path
# For cluster jobs, number commands to run per job
parameter: job_size = 1
# Wall clock time expected
parameter: walltime = "5h"
# Memory expected
parameter: mem = "2G"
# Number of threads
parameter: numThreads = 8
# Software container option
parameter: container = ""
import re
parameter: entrypoint= ('micromamba run -a "" -n' + ' ' + re.sub(r'(_apptainer:latest|_docker:latest|\.sif)$', '', container.split('/')[-1])) if container else ""
cwd = path(f"{cwd:a}")
Step 0: Merge Covariates and Genotype PCs#
# An RDS file as the output of the genotype PCA module
parameter: pcaFile = path
# The number of PCs to retain, by default is 20, in practice can be the number of PC that captured more than 70% PVE
parameter: k = 20
parameter: name = f'{covFile:bn}.{pcaFile:bn}'
# Outliers
parameter: outliersFile = path(".")
parameter: remove_outliers = False
# Tolerance of missingness in covariates, -1 means do nothing, otherwise for samples with covariates missing rate larger than tol_cov will be removed,
# with missing rate smaller than tol_cov will be kept.
parameter: tol_cov = -1.0
parameter: mean_impute = True
stop_if(remove_outliers and not outliersFile.is_file(), msg = "No outliers file specified, please add outliers file or remove the remove-outliers flag")
input: pcaFile, covFile
output: f'{cwd:a}/{name}.gz'
task: trunk_workers = 1, walltime = walltime, mem = mem, cores = numThreads, tags = f'{step_name}_{_output[0]:bn}'
R: expand= "$[ ]", stderr = f'{_output:n}.stderr', stdout = f'{_output:n}.stdout', container = container, entrypoint = entrypoint
compute_missing <- function(mtx){
miss <- sum(
mean_impute <- function(mtx){
f <- apply(mtx, 2, function(x) mean(x,na.rm = TRUE))
for (i in 1:length(f)) mtx[,i][which([,i]))] <- f[i]
filter_mtx <- function(X, missing_rate_thresh) {
rm_col <- which(apply(X, 2, compute_missing) > missing_rate_thresh)
if (length(rm_col)) X <- X[, -rm_col]
return($['mean_impute(X)' if mean_impute else 'X'])
pca_output = readRDS("$[_input[0]]")$pc_scores
mtx = pca_output%>%select(contains("PC"))%>%t()
colnames(mtx) <- pca_output$IID
## Keep only the number of PCs specified
mtx = mtx[1:$[k],]
mtx = mtx%>%as_tibble(rownames = "#id")
## Load covariates
covt = transpose(fread("$[_input[1]]", head=T), keep.names="#id", make.names=1) %>% as_tibble()
## Retaining only the overlapped samples with genotype
overlap = intersect(colnames(covt),colnames(mtx))
## Report sample counts:
print(paste(ncol(covt) - 1, "samples are in the covariate file", sep = " "))
print(paste(ncol(mtx), "samples are in the PCA file", sep = " "))
## Report identical samples:
print(paste(length(overlap) - 1, "samples overlap between covariate & PCA files and are included in the analysis:", sep = " "))
print(overlap[!overlap == '#id'])
## Report non-overlapping samples:
cov_missing = covt %>% select(-all_of(overlap))
print(paste(ncol(cov_missing), "samples in the covariate file are missing from the PCA file:", sep = " "))
pca_missing = mtx %>% select(-all_of(overlap))
print(paste(ncol(pca_missing), "samples in the PCA file are missing from the covariate file:", sep = " "))
## Removal of outlier if needed
if ($["TRUE" if remove_outliers else "FALSE"]){
outlier = fread("$[outliersFile]", head = FALSE)$V2 %>% as_tibble()
overlap = setdiff(overlap,outlier)
covt = covt%>%select(all_of(overlap))
mtx = mtx%>%select(all_of(overlap))
output = bind_rows(covt,mtx)
## Handle missingess in covariates
if($[tol_cov] == -1){if(sum( > 0 ){ stop("NA in covariates input: Check input file or set parameter tol_cov to allow for removing missing values; mean_impute to allow for imputing missing values")}}
output = output%>
rownames(output) = output$`#id`
output = filter_mtx(output[,2:ncol(output)],$[tol_cov])%>%as_tibble(rownames = "#id")
bash: expand= "$[ ]", stderr = f'{_output:n}.stderr', stdout = f'{_output:n}.stdout', container = container, entrypoint = entrypoint
for i in $[_output] ; do
echo "output_info: $i " >> $stdout;
echo "output_size:" `ls -lh $i | cut -f 5 -d " "` >> $stdout;
echo "output_rows:" `zcat $i | wc -l | cut -f 1 -d " "` >> $stdout;
echo "output_column:" `zcat $i | head -1 | wc -w ` >> $stdout;
echo "output_preview:" >> $stdout;
zcat $i | head | cut -f 1,2,3,4,5,6 >> $stdout ; done