Genomic Relationship Matrices#
This workflow generates genomic relationship matrices (GRM) under the leave-one-chromosome-out (LOCO) theme.
For each chromosome, we compute a GRM using data excluding this chromosome. Computation is implemented using GCTA
software package.
This workflow expects per chromosome genotype data in PLINK 1.0
format. We provide some genotype formatting workflows to help convert other genotype formats to the required PLINK format. Notice that common variants (minor allele frequency > 1%) are recommended to use for computing GRM.
GRM per LOCO, in formats compatible with downstreams analysis including LMM using APEX.
Minimal Working Example#
sos run GRM.ipynb grm \
--cwd output \
--genoFile data/genotype/mwe_genotype.list \
--container container/bioinfo.sif
Command interface#
sos run GRM.ipynb -h
usage: sos run GRM.ipynb [workflow_name | -t targets] [options] [workflow_options]
workflow_name: Single or combined workflows defined in this script
targets: One or more targets to generate
options: Single-hyphen sos parameters (see "sos run -h" for details)
workflow_options: Double-hyphen workflow-specific parameters
Global Workflow Options:
--cwd VAL (as path, required)
Work directory & output directory
--container ''
The filename name for output data
--job-size 1 (as int)
For cluster jobs, number commands to run per job
--walltime 5h
Wall clock time expected
--mem 16G
Memory expected
--numThreads 20 (as int)
Number of threads
--genotype-list paths
grm_1: Generate LOCO file list
# Work directory & output directory
parameter: cwd = path("output")
# The filename name for output data
parameter: container = ''
import re
parameter: entrypoint= ('micromamba run -a "" -n' + ' ' + re.sub(r'(_apptainer:latest|_docker:latest|\.sif)$', '', container.split('/')[-1])) if container else ""
# For cluster jobs, number commands to run per job
parameter: job_size = 1
# Wall clock time expected
parameter: walltime = "5h"
# Memory expected
parameter: mem = "16G"
# Number of threads
parameter: numThreads = 20
parameter: genoFile = paths
cwd = f"{cwd:a}"
## Code below are copied from genotype_formatting.ipynb. Change should be made to codes in that document and sync with this chunk.
from sos.utils import expand_size
import os
def get_genotype_file(geno_file_paths):
def valid_geno_file(x):
suffixes = path(x).suffixes
if suffixes[-1] == '.bed':
return True
if len(suffixes)>1 and ''.join(suffixes[-2:]) == ".vcf.gz":
return True
return False
def complete_geno_path(x, geno_file):
if not valid_geno_file(x):
raise ValueError(f"Genotype file {x} should be VCF (end with .vcf.gz) or PLINK bed file (end with .bed)")
if not os.path.isfile(x):
# relative path
if not os.path.isfile(f'{geno_file:ad}/' + x):
raise ValueError(f"Cannot find genotype file {x}")
x = f'{geno_file:ad}/' + x
return x
def format_chrom(chrom):
if chrom.startswith('chr'):
chrom = chrom[3:]
return chrom
# Inputs are either VCF or bed, or a vector of them
if len(geno_file_paths) > 1:
if all([valid_geno_file(x) for x in geno_file_paths]):
return paths(geno_file_paths)
raise ValueError(f"Invalid input {geno_file_paths}")
# Input is one genotype file or text list of genotype files
geno_file = geno_file_paths[0]
if valid_geno_file(geno_file):
return path(geno_file)
units = [x.strip().split() for x in open(geno_file).readlines() if x.strip() and not x.strip().startswith('#')]
if all([len(x) == 1 for x in units]):
return paths([complete_geno_path(x[0], geno_file) for x in units])
elif all([len(x) == 2 for x in units]):
genos = dict([(format_chrom(x[0]), path(complete_geno_path(x[1], geno_file))) for x in units])
raise ValueError(f"{geno_file} should contain one column of file names, or two columns of chrom number and corresponding file name")
return genos
genotypes = get_genotype_file(genoFile)
Generate LOCO file list#
This step generates a list of bfiles that are used by gcta
to generate the GRM. eg,:
without .bed
# Generate LOCO file list
chrom = list(genotypes.keys())
input: for_each = 'chrom'
output: f'{cwd}/{genotypes[_chrom]:bn}.loco.txt'
with open(_output, 'w') as f:
f.write('\n'.join([str(genotypes[x].with_suffix('')) for x in genotypes if x != _chrom]))
Compute LOCO-GRM#
This step can take a while. We recommend using genotype data of common variants to perform this analysis.
# Compute LOCO-GRM
output: f'{_input:nn}.grm.gz'
task: trunk_workers = 1, trunk_size = job_size, walltime = walltime, mem = mem, cores = numThreads, tags = f'{step_name}_{_output:bn}'
bash: expand= "$[ ]", stderr = f'{_output}.stderr', stdout = f'{_output}.stdout', container = container, entrypoint=entrypoint
gcta64 \
--mbfile $[_input] \
--make-grm-gz \
--out $[_output:nn]
Format output for APEX#
# Format output for APEX
output: f'{_input:nn}.apex.grm'
task: trunk_workers = 1, trunk_size = job_size, walltime = walltime, mem = mem, cores = numThreads, tags = f'{step_name}_{_output:bn}'
R: expand= "$[ ]", stderr = f'{_output}.stderr', stdout = f'{_output}.stdout', container = container, entrypoint=entrypoint
# Load necessary libraries
# Read data
grm <- read_delim(gzfile("$[_input]"), '\t', col_names = FALSE) %>%
select(1, 2, 4) %>%
set_names(c("#id1", "id2", "kinship"))
id <- read_delim("$[_input:n].id", '\t', col_names = FALSE)[, 2] %>%
# Modify grm data
grm_updated <- grm %>%
mutate(`#id1` = map_chr(`#id1`, ~id[.x]),
`id2` = map_chr(`id2`, ~id[.x]))
# Write to output
grm_updated %>%
write_delim("$[_output]", '\t')
Generate the list of LOCO-GRM file for APEX input,
# Generate APEX input list
input: group_by = "all"
output: f'{cwd}/{path(list(genotypes.values())[1]):bnn}.loco_grm_list.txt'
R: expand= "$[ ]", stderr = f'{_output}.stderr', stdout = f'{_output}.stdout', container = container, entrypoint=entrypoint
# Load necessary libraries
# Define chromosomal names
chromosomes <- paste0("chr", c($[paths(genotypes.keys()):r,]), collapse = "")
# Define input files and directory
input_files <- c($[_input:r,])
# Create and sort the tibble
grm_tibble <- tibble(`#chr` = chromosomes, dir = input_files) %>%
# Write to output
grm_tibble %>%
write_delim("$[_output]", "\t")